Torre civica


An ancient settlement situated on ‘Tuscan Romagna’, it has the lake of Ponte and unspoilt woodland around it. The centre is full of eighteenth-century buildings with an urban plan like that of Tuscan towns.

The ERF concerts will be held in Palazzo Fantini, in his 250° anniversary, a remarkable building which was both rural mill and proprietor’s home, the most important building of Tredozio. Nearby there is a fine Italian garden with well-tended box-hedges, rose-bushes, giant yew trees and monumental oaks.

venerdì 23 luglio ore 21.15
Tredozio Palazzo Fantini
Johann Sebastian Bach: integrale delle Suites per violoncello solo (II serata)

giovedì 5 agosto ore 21.15
Tredozio Piazza Vespignani
“THE SEASONS” Orchestra da camera di Mosca
Lana Trotovšek violino
Leticia Moreno violino
Vladislav Bulakhov direttore
Mozart, Bach, Cajkovskij
in caso di maltempo Centro Visite del Parco, via Fabroni

mercoledì 11 agosto ore 21.15
Tredozio Palazzo Fantini
Primo Premio!
Vincitrice del Concorso Castrocaro Classica 2003 – Castrocaro Terme, Forlì
Mozart, Scarlatti, Bach, Olczack, Gart, Frosini, Magnante, Pozzoli, Piazzolla

sabato 21 agosto ore 21.15
Tredozio Palazzo Fantini

Primo Premio!
Darko Brlek clarinetto
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, von Weber, Bartók

Link al sito di Tredozio

Eremo di S.Barnaba
Palazzo Fantini
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