Associazione amici dell'Emilia Romagna

The ERF summer 2003 programme is overflowing more than ever with concerts of famous and prestigious musicians who perform in places and surroundings with a certain charm and who are new to and have been recently included in the Festival circuit. All this helps to consolidate the ‘Amici dell’Emilia Romagna Festival’ Association which I have the pleasure of presiding over and co-ordinating together with the founder members and the forever increasing numbers that continue to join.

The ‘Friends of the Emilia Romagna Festival’ Association has, as its main objective, the support of ERF and, through this, the promotion of classical music and the rediscovery of historical venues and sites in our region. It is the link, throughout the year, between music lovers and the Festival, which is of course the high spot and key moment for our Association. But at the same time connections must be kept to keep alive relationships, to organize other events which occur during the year: concerts, meetings, presentations in venues of undoubted artistic interest, sought out with care and affection for their environmental and architectonic characteristics, in Romagna and the Bologna area.
It will also be a vehicle of information and news, thus becoming a promotion tool for the Festival activities.
Being a member of the ‘Friends of the Emilia Romagna Festival’ Association means, therefore, supporting culture and playing an active part in an organization that proposes active participation and a certain social impact. I would hope, therefore, to acquire many members who will join us, for which a promotion campaign has been started and I am sure that many share our feelings and interests about music in general and about a particular event which has had much growth and success in these years, basing its ‘philosophy’ on the importance of music and art in the development of the individual.

A warm greeting to those who are already members of our Association of whom we have honour to count some very famous musicians such as Yuri Basmet, the famous violinist, Maestro Krzyztof Pendercki, one of the most noted living composers, and Maxence Larrieu, the French prince of the flute, who have accepted with pleasure to become honorary members of our Association as well as the new members who will join us soon.

Associazione “Amici dell’Emilia Romagna Festival”
The President
Gian Franco Fontaine

Associazione "Amici dell'Emilia Romagna Festival"

Gianfranco Fontaine

Board Members
Romeo Rosetti vice-president
Antonio Plachesi advisor
Giovanni Morsiani advisor
Dinora Venturi advisor
Giuliano Zuccoli advisor

Maria Alba Ferrari

Associazione “Amici dell’Emilia Romagna Festival”
c/o Emilia Romagna Festival
via Garibaldi 12
40026 Imola (BO) Italy
Tel. +39 0542 25747
Fax +39 0542 612972

Senta Berger, voce recitante ne le "Otto Stagioni" di Vivaldi e Piazzolla
  I "Salzburg Chamber Soloists" durante il concerto nel Teatro "Diego Fabbri" di Forlì  
  Serata "Amici dell'ERF", intervento di Massimo Mercelli, Presidente e direttore artistico dell'ERF  
  Serata "Amici dell'ERF", intervento di Gian Franco Fontaine, Presidente dell'associazione Amici dell'ERF, affiancato da Senta Berger, madrina della serata, da Romeo Rosetti e Giovanni Morsiani, rispettivamente vice presidente  e consigliere dell'associazione Amici dell'ERF  
  Serata "Amici dell'ERF, intervento di Mauro Bacciocchi, Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Forlì  
  Serata "Amici dell'ERF", intervento di Franco Fabbri, direttore del Teatro "Diego Fabbri"  
  Brindisi alla neonata Associazione con la presenza di Senta Berger, madrina della serata e dell'Associazione "Amici dell'ERF"  

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