Galeata Tempietto laterale


Galeata rises on a fluvial terrace at the centre of a hollow overlooked by a high and striking cliff. Here human presence dates from prehistoric times. Towards the end of 5th century tradition has it that two opposed communities settled here. These were emblematically represented by the hermit Ellero and King Teodorico. While these were the years of the birth and the power of the abbey founded by Santo Abate which depended on the Ravennate Church and the sphere of influence of Florence, further down the valley, the hamlet of Galliateo was gaining strength.
The Convento dei Frati Minori Conventuali at Borgo Pianetto is a vast building comprised of two orders of rooms placed one above the other and has been recently renovated. Theology was taught here to clerics of the Nullius Ilariana diocese. The Cloister, situated along the largest side next to the southern part of the Church, is a charming place built on a trapezoidal plan and surrounds a little square paved in stone.



sabato 24 luglio ore 21.15
Galeata – Pianetto Chiostro del Monastero dei Frati Minori Conventuali

Piazzolla, Lacalle, Bardì, Villoldo
in caso di maltempo Chiesa Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Borgo Pianetto

Galeata La Torre Civica

Galeata -Chiostro
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