Castrocaro Terme-Terra del Sole
In a wide, green natural setting of ‘Tuscan
Romagna’ there is the well-known spa town of Castrocaro and the
Renaissance-built Terra del Sole. The former is of very ancient origin,
now lost in legend, the latter designed and built by the Florentines
along the lines of the ideal fortified town; all the area shows traces
of its important history.
In Castrocaro Terme the ERF concert will be held in the Rocca di Castrocaro,
inhabited variously since the Early Middle Ages and later becoming a
fortress able to accommodate and protect a feudal court.
In Terra del Sole the concert will be in Palazzo Pretorio, a classic
example of Renaissance architecture, built on a square plan, with the
inside courtyard lined by a ‘triportico’ in two orders,was
the seat of the grand-ducal commissioners who governed there and also
administered justice from 1579 to 1784.