Fontana del Nettuno  


Piazza Maggiore is the place of strongest symbolism of the dialogue between civil and religious life which, throughout the centuries, has marked Bologna’s history. For a long time, from the Renaissance to the eighteenth century, the notes of the Concerto Palatino echoed from a balcony overlooking Piazza Maggiore, an extraordinary group of players from various nations, paid by the Community and called upon on the most important occasions to accompany the singers and players of the Cappella di San Petronio. The Basilica which dominates the square is dedicated to Bologna’s patron saint: it is the city’s largest church (the fifth largest in the Catholic world) but it is not Bologna’s Cathedral, which is San Pietro. Opposite San Petronio there is the Palazzo del Podestà, which, during the Renaissance period, contained the Teatro della Sala. On the eastern side of the square there is the remarkable Palazzo dei Banchi, readapted by Vignola in the sixteenth century; on the western side there is the Palazzo Comunale, initially built from the houses of Accursio, one of the earliest professors of the Medieval University; beside San Petronio, on the right, the gothic Palazzo dei Notai, readapted in 1908.


venerdì 16 luglio ore 21.15
Bologna Teatro Manzoni
Grupo Alturas
Nadine Laurens pianoforte
José Luis Ocejo direttore

sabato 14 agosto ore 21.15
Bologna Piazza Maggiore
YURI BASHMET viola solista e direttore
Händel, Paganini, Mozart Cajkovskij
"Acqua:suoni, forme, visioni"
Arte in acqua. Giovani artisti per HERA
in collaborazione con VERUCCHIO FESTIVAL

  Piazza Maggiore      
  Chiesa di S.Petronio
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