Premilcuore Porta Fiorentina


Surrounded by high cumbersome hills, covered with flowering trees in spring, Premilcuore welcomes the visitor on the road that is perched on the high Valley of Rabbi between the rocks of Mount Gemelli and Mount Guffone. A crossroads for people and culture, it has the architectural and cultural marks most typical of the Romagna-Tuscany territory.

With the music of ERF we will go into Pieve S. Martino. This is situated outside the centre in an elegant late Renaissance Tuscan style building. The inside is airy, of notable dimensions and has three naves divided by seven large roman arches on each side. The central nave is covered by a truss roof while the two lateral naves have cross vaults. Inside we can admire, among other works, Madonna del Carmine in Cielo tra S. Giovanni della Croce and S. Teresa D’Avila, oil on canvas, by Jacopo Vignali of Pratovecchio.


lunedì 26 luglio ore 21.15
Premilcuore Area delle Feste

Pergolesi, Donizetti, Massenet, Tosti, Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Rota, Gastaldon, De Curtis


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